The Philadelphia Museum of Art and the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Art acquired Thomas Eakins, The Gross Clinic in 2007 to keep the painting in Philadelphia. The institutions enjoy joint ownership and the work is now installed at PAFA. Atelier Art Services has enjoyed deinstalling, transporting and reinstalling this historic work at both locations.
Atelier Art Services Assists in PAFA’S "LAOCOӦN" LOAN
August 24, 2015
PAFA's blog post, PAFA's Laocoӧn on Loan, discusses our role in disassembling, packaging, and transporting Laocoӧn and His Sons from the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts to the Philadelphia Museum of Art.
Although the cast shows Laocoӧn and his sons writhing in a struggle to disentangle themselves from the serpent, the Atelier crew had no trouble extricating each piece as they took apart the cast. Workers carefully wrapped and labeled each piece, preparing the Laocoӧn to be shipped to the Philadelphia Museum of Art, where it will be featured in the upcoming exhibition The Wrath of the Gods: Masterpieces by Rubens, Michelangelo, and Titan, opened on September 12. - ZP Heller
The Philadelphia Museum of Art exhibition is open through December 6th.
Watch a time-lapse video of the move.